Conservative periodontal treatment includes Oral Microbiology to reduce the need for gum surgery

Our Conservative Gum Disease Treatment team includes 16 cosmetic dentists, specialists (including a Periodontist) and lab ceramists in one high-end office. In particular we focus on Oral Microbiology cultures. As a result we are able to significantly reduce the need for Gum Surgery. In addition an MD-anesthesiologist offers several options for dental sedation. We offer intelligent and honest diagnosis based upon 31+ years of experience. Our treatment is quick and comfortable. We use the finest materials and top labs. Before and after photos on conservative gum disease treatment without surgery performed in our Gum Disease Treatment office.

Moreover our patients have access to our affiliated team of 12 medical doctors in our building. This is because of the known relationship between gum disease and other medical diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

Conservative gum disease treatment without surgery involves oral microbiology cultures for germs and bacteria. Periodontal gum disease treatment or cure.

Conservative Gum Disease Treatment Without Surgery

Conservative academic periodontal treatment should include Oral Microbiology testing for many
gum disease patients.To the left this photo shows the identified species of bacteria or germs found in a culture of a patient’s gums.This result is for a 41 year old female with severe gum disease who did not favorably respond to three years of Periostat Doxycycline gum treatment at another dental office.
Singularly we took a microbiology culture. Enteric gram negative rods, which populated 13.8% of the culture, are shown to be resistant to Doxycycline. This patient was successfully treated with Amoxycillin & Metronidazole. She was also referred to an MD where a fasting glucose tolerance test showed her to be diabetic.
Conservative gum disease treatment without surgery involves periodontal cultures for germs and bacteria.

Conservative Gum Disease Treatment Without Surgery with Oral Microbiology

In this case a periodontal culture tests for the presence of periodontal pathogens – specific species of bacteria germs known to cause gum disease. Gum disease symptoms can include bleeding, swollen gums, bad breath and/or tooth gum pain.

First use a cotton pellet and a college pliers to wipe away supragingival plaque. Next place a medium cotton point (from endo) into about six different sites with the deepest periodontal probings. Then leave the cotton point in place for five to ten seconds and then quickly place it in the culture medium. Lastly ship overnight to the Microbiologic Testing Lab at Temple University in Philadelphia under the direction of Dr. Thomas Rams.

Gum Disease infection and periodontal treatment for symptoms or cure.

Gum disease periodontal symptoms

In this case a dental phobia patient, who suffered from dental anxiety fear, also had bad gums. First visit pictures and x-ray: It is important to determine what teeth, if any, may be saved at least temporarily. Symptoms included teeth mobility, supraeruption, tooth pain and swelling gums.

It is easier for a patient to emotionally adjust to a temporary prosthesis (false teeth) that has at least some amount of retention provided by natural teeth abutments. The teeth chosen were #6, 11, 22 and 28. The decision to fabricate a removable immediate partial denture, rather than a fixed lab-processed temporary dental bridge, was determined by the particular weakness of tooth #28.

The patient was informed that the immediate dentures, false teeth, were to be used for the duration of the healing phase and that the four remaining tooth abutments, particularly #28, might be subsequently extracted. This patient is a candidate for dental implants but only after the gums infection has healed.

Scaling and Root Planing was an important part of the initial treatment as well as obvious need for oral hygiene instruction. Gums symptoms and treatment is an important part of dentistry. Gum treatment may not be a cure for gum disease depending upon the severity of the problem.

Calcium channel blockers cause gum disease or gums hyperplasia. Infection from Azor causes gingivitis symptoms and needs treatment.

Conservative Gum Disease Treatment Without Surgery

These periodontal gum disease pictures document the effects on the gums of using Calcium Channel blockers with inadequate home oral hygiene and periodontal control. The gum disease symptoms included pain, bleeding, infection and gums growing bigger and covering the teeth. Calcium Channel blockers are commonly used to treat high blood pressure, angina pectoris and coronary artery disease. Physicians should obtain periodontal clearance before prescribing these medications.

Initial gum disease treatment included scaling and root planing and extraction of some of the hopeless lower anterior teeth. A fixed six teeth temporary dental bridge is seen on the right.

Gum disease infection causes tooth pain and requires extraction to treat gingivitis or pericoronitis.

Pictures of gum disease and tooth decay cavity in a lower second molar caused by an horizontally-impacted lower wisdom tooth pushing into it

The patient’s gum disease symptoms included swelling and a lot of tooth gum pain. 1) Pre-op x-ray. 2) Tooth #31 had a temporary filling in it. 3) – 4) After removal of the crown of #32 showing the residual empty socket. 5) – 6) Minimal flap reflected to show exposure of the roots of #32 with sectioning. 7) Removal of first root. 8) Second root brought forward in socket and ready for removal.
Gum disease treatment should include prophylactic wisdom teeth extraction. This wisdom tooth should have been diagnosed and extracted long before this much tooth damage and pain occurred in the gums. Initial symptoms could have included gingivitis.
Gums odor or smell from periodontal pockets is caused by infection and bleeding symptoms treatment.

Conservative Gum Disease Treatment Without Surgery

Severe gum disease treatment pictures show a patient with dental fear phobia anxiety. These gum disease symptoms primarily focused on dramatic movement of teeth as seen in these pictures. The bottom right photo shows after initial dental treatment of the gums and a temporary dental bridge.
gum disease treatment, periodontal gums surgery photos oral surgical pictures, extraction

Gum disease treatment can include selective tooth extraction during an upper oral reconstruction

The initial treatment plan considered saving teeth #’s 6, 7 and 9 while extracting teeth #’s 5 and 8. During the gum surgery, tooth #5 was considered more stable than tooth #6 so #5 was retained and #6 was extracted. The retained teeth will be used to support a fixed temporary dental bridge until subsequent implant dentistry is completed.

You may search related topics on this website including Apically Repositioned Flap, Apicoectomy, Furcation Involvement, Gingival, Gingivectomy, Gingivitis, Graft, Gum, Membranes, Microbiology, Mucogingival, Open Flap, Periodontics, Recession, Scaling and X-rays.

All of the dentistry shown on this 4,400 page website was created by Dr. Jeffrey Dorfman. Visit us when you want it done right the first time; you will save money by initially spending more. Call The Center for Special Dentistry®.