Complex dentistry & complex patient fear management

November 5, 2008 11:58 am Published by

Today in the dental office there was a case that was very complex not only because of the dental work that was involved but because there was also issues of finance and patient management involved. The patients was chief financial officer of his company and had a lot of dental work that needed to be done. This patient was overweight as an adolescent and suffered from anorexia and bulimia. These two disorders ruined his upper teeth and neglect over many years worsened the situation. When he presented to the office the patient had almost no coronal tooth structure left on any of the maxillary teeth.

It was charted that 6-11 and 14 and 15 were restorable with guarded prognosis and any other root tips in the mouth were to be extracted. 6-11 and 14 and 15 were all to be treated with RCT in one visit and to be restored a few days later also in one visit with temporaries.

One of the main concerns with this patient was the loss of vertical dimension. After many years of going with the wrong vertical we were concerned that opening the bite again would cause stress to the TMJ. After endo and OS consults however it was deemed that restoration of the occlusion could be done immediately. It was also noted that this patient was very phobic and was pre-medicated prior to any treatment for the phobia.

The treatment time was about 4 hours in which 8 root canals, post space preparations, and impressions were done. The lab tech was on hand to observe the case so that he could process temps for the patient within 4 days when the post/cores are inserted. This is a case that would normally have taken months and a lot of patient visits but is going to be taken care of in a short span of time with specialist attention.

H.A., New York University College of Dentistry, Patient 10

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